Accurately classifies salmon
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SORTmini is a portable fish scanner designed to identify gender without relying on experts
Identifying broodstock gender early improves stock management, facility utilization, and reduces costs
Breeders select the best candidates through pit-tagging and DNA analysis. Roe production requires significantly more females than males. Gender sorting reduces the pit-tagging efforts and enable removal of males from the program (e.g. to harvest)
The lack of local specialists has required some programs to fly in Chilean experts – until now

Introducing the SORTmini
The SORTmini enables the user to identify the fish's gender (at 20 to 100g) with one swipe
Operating the scanner successfully requires minimal training, removing the reliance on experts
The SORTmini is powered by so-called deep learning; a subset of AI where neural networks mimic the structure and function of a human brain, learning from examples. The algorithms leverage a massive proprietary library of labelled videos and images to make (>95%) correct classifications
We use ultrasound to collect relevant information. This method is non-invasive by nature and ideal for preserving the animal's welfare
Identification of sexual maturation is being added in the near term via over-the-air updates
Gender sorting by default, other traits under development
Length 1000mm, width 650mm, height 550mm
Power consumption 900W (Standard Wall Plug)