Picture: Stian Rognlid, Aquaticode CEO
We recently did an interview with dojo.live.
The conversation touched on a range of topics, some of which are outlined below:
In parallel with the much-needed energy transition, “feeding the future” is the greatest challenge of our time. We’re not able to feed the earth’s current population within our planetary bounds, let alone the expected population of 9.7 billion in 2050.
Aquaculture reduces the strain on nature. The nutritional density in, and the edible part of, aquatic species are high. In addition, farming them has a smaller CO2, land, and water footprint than most other protein sources.
We need to produce more with less. Luckily, there’s plenty of untapped potential.
Enter Aquaculture 2.0.
Five mega-trends are expected to propel the industry forward:
– Selective breeding – augmenting the performance of future generations
– Alternative feed – increasing the flexibility and accessibility of animal nutrition
– Precision farming – improving the conditions in which the animal is reared
– Recirc systems – using water treatment technology to enable salmon farming in facilities anywhere
– Artificial Intelligence – using machine learning to enable accurate, consistent, and automated decisions
Aquaticode is firmly planted in the latter category, with a core competency in the intersection between biology and computer vision. We use machine learning to solve some of the industry’s most significant challenges, enabling detection, identification, and prediction of performance traits. Our solutions can lead to better, faster, and transparent decisions – and actions.
And so, we find ourselves as one of the players in the blue food revolution, attracting top talent from major tech hubs such as Tel Aviv, São Paulo, and Silicon Valley. The reason is, perhaps, that they, like us, believe in the higher purpose the aquaculture industry serves.
See the recording for more.